There is significant scientific research and journalistic reporting exploring the negative health impact of noise, as well as information about noise regulations. Links to some of it is below:
- Local noise ordinances in Westchester, NJ and CT
- Works of Dr. Aline Bronzaft Dr. Bronzaft, prof emeritus at Lehman College, is the leading New York City area expert on the psychological and physical impact of noise. She has already been generous in advising us on the issue, and would be available to speak with city officials and concerned citizens.
- Quiet! Our Loud World Is Making Us Sick (Scientific American)
- The Effects of Living in a Noisy World (Environmental Health Perspectives)
- What Cities and States Are Doing to Cut Noise, ‘the New Secondhand Smoke’ (Governing)
- Effects of Noise Exposure and Hearing Loss on Risk of Cardiovascular Disease (U of Michigan)
- Noise as a Public Health Hazard (American Public Health Association).
- How noise pollution may harm the heart (Harvard Health)
- How sound affects our health (Wall Street Journal)
- Are you exposed to too much noise? (NY Times)
- Noise could take years off your life (NY Times)
- Noise exposure is becoming the new ‘second hand smoke’ (Washington Post)
- Is Noise Pollution the Next Big Public-Health Crisis? (The New Yorker)
- Noise regulation in the US (Noise Pollution ClearingHouse)
- Noise – basic information (Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety)
- Noise – induced hearing loss (NIH)
- Estimated prevalence of noise-induced hearing threshold shifts among children 6 to 19 years of age (Pediatrics)
- Noise (World Health Organization)
- Uptake and impact of the WHO Environmental noise guidelines for the European Region (World Health Organization)
- Noise Ordinances – (nalysis of US communities)
- Quiet Communities (promotes quiet as a valuable natural resource)
- Providence Noise Project (advocacy group in the RI city)
- No More Noise Toronto (research and advocacy group in the Canadian city)